This is a topic that I find I’m met with consistently. Why spend $100 on a serum when you can get one at a major drugstore claiming to do the exact same thing for 1/3 the cost ? I’m a research junkie. I actually enjoy pouring over ingredient lists and learning about the actual constitution of the products I’m using , or the products my clients are using . When I compare , I consistently find that the salon brands carry a higher concentration of ingredients as well as a combination of ingredients that deliver rapid results. WARNING: technical explanation to follow .
I compared 3 serums claiming to lift and luminate, protect and perfect , and the third being my PCA product called ‘hyaluronic acid boosting serum’.
Here is my simplified explanation:
While the first two DO have nice ingredients I see a less expensive ingredient combination. The company puts actives in the products but they are the lowest level of actives. This will give you a low level of results.
The PCA serum brings out the big guns. The ingredients used are more expensive to produce and are more concentrated and highly effective . PCA uses ALL the components of moisture retention in one serum thus delivering powerful results, quickly.
Bottom line:
Protect your investment in beautiful skin and spend a little more, if you can. You won’t be disappointed. And I’ll never sell you anything that I think won’t work .